We offer you best solution for optimal work in construction and agriculture. Everything you need can be found in one place, from advising prior to order, to assistance with repairing if machine stops. Experience we acquired through decades allows us to help You make a choice. Everything you need, from choice to service, can be found in one place. Quality maintenance and original spare parts guarantee success. Professional team of mechanics enables you to work without interruptions. Service workshop fulfills highest standards regarding available tools and diagnostics. Trained team for ordering appropriate quality parts. Experienced sale advisors for sale of construction and agriculture machines. More than 1000 satisfied clients.
Company was established in 1992 under the name PP “Premier”. This was followed by transformation prescribed by Law in 1995, when the company was restructured as “Premier” Llc. It was in this period that the company accomplished first results in the sale of machines of well known English manufacturer JCB.
In 1996, Serbian – Austrian mixed company was founded, with the name “Premier Kovi” Llc with 51% of domestic founding and controlling capital, and in the beginning of 1997, the company became the only one sub-dealer for sale and servicing of machines on the whole territory of Serbia.
Since 2001, and after the takeover of 49% of founding and controlling capital, company conducts its business independently as company with 100% domestic ownership under the name “Premier AS” Llc, which are initials of first names of the founders, father and son.
Main activity of the company is sale of agricultural and construction units, spare parts and service in the entire territory of Serbia.
Constant and continued development of support when purchasing machines and professional mobile service within warranty and after warranty time, have been company strategy since its founding.